
Clogged Toilet

Need expert help to unclog your choked toilet bowl without all the mess?

Clogged Toilet: Tips to Handle WC Chokes

You are facing a toilet bowl filled with toilet paper. The flush works sluggishly, with not enough water to flush and clear away the paper. Could a foreign object be contributing to the “congestion”?

A clogged toilet is one of the most common and frustrating plumbing problems.

In Singapore, where space is limited and plumbing systems can vary, dealing with a clog effectively is essential. Whether it is a minor blockage or a more serious problem, knowing how to address it promptly can save you time, money, and hassle.

In this guide, we’ll explore some practical tips and tricks for handling a clogged toilet in Singapore homes.

Understanding Clogged Toilets

What Causes Toilet Clogs?

Toilets can become clogged for various reasons. including excessive toilet paper usage, flushing non-flushable items, or a buildup of waste and debris in the pipes.

Use only as much toilet paper as necessary and avoid flushing items like wet wipes, sanitary products, or cotton swabs down the toilet.

What Happens during a Toilet Clog?

When your toilet bowl is blocked, the flush water from the toilet tank has nowhere to go. The trap is the most common catching spot for toilet clogs.

When there is a clog, flushing the toilet cannot generate enough water power to clear the trap, so water will flow back up again.

This causes the flush water to overflow from the toilet bowl and onto the toilet floor.

A Disgusting Clogged Toilet
Common Signs Of A Toilet Clog

Recognizing the signs of a clogged toilet early can help prevent more significant issues. Common signs include slow draining, water backing up into the bowl, or gurgling noises when flushing.

How to Clear a Clogged Toilet Bowl: 3 DIY Solutions

Plunging Technique

One of the most effective ways to clear a clogged toilet is by using a plunger. Start by ensuring there is enough water in the bowl to cover the rubber part of the plunger. Place the plunger over the drain hole and push down firmly, then pull up sharply to create suction. Repeat this motion several times until the clog clears.

Hot Water and Dish Soap

Another DIY solution is to pour hot water mixed with dish soap into the toilet bowl. The heat and soap can help break down the clog, allowing it to flush away more easily. Be careful not to use boiling water, as this can damage the toilet bowl or cause injury.

Baking Soda and Vinegar

A combination of baking soda and vinegar can also be effective in clearing minor toilet clogs. Pour about a cup of baking soda into the toilet bowl, followed by a cup of vinegar. Allow the mixture to sit for a few minutes before flushing with hot water. The chemical reaction between the baking soda and vinegar can help dislodge the clog.

How to Clear a Toilet Clog with a Plunger: Step-by-Step

Most toilet clogs are caused by an object that is stuck in the toilet trap and not in the drain line pipe in the floor. If your toilet is completely blocked or partially blocked (when it flushes incompletely or sluggishly), try using a plunger to clear the blockage caused by human waste and toilet paper.

  1. Check the water level in the toilet bowl by sticking the plunger into the drain outlet. There should be enough water in the bowl for the plunger to be submerged at least halfway. This is to ensure that there is a seal formed around the flange of the plunger.
  2. Next, place the plunger over the drain outlet and press down to form the seal. Make sure that you are covering the hole completely.
  3. Now, press down and lift the plunger handle rapidly and repeatedly. It is important to be pushing and pulling with water, not air.
  4. Pull up on the plunger to create suction in the drain, then push in to create pressure. Such constant suction-pressure movements will eventually loosen the congestion at the drain.
  5. You will know the clog has moved through the drain line when the old standing water goes down the drain. You may need to repeat the plunging process a couple of times for stubborn clogs.

How to Clear a Clogged Toilet of Foreign Objects

If plunging is unable to clear the blockage, try unclogging the toilet bowl using a closet auger. A closet auger is used when an object — like a sponge, a child’s toy, or any foreign object is the cause of the toilet blockage.

A closet auger is designed to grab or snag the object so that you can pull it out of the WC and not flush it down the drain line as you would using a plunger.

Uprooting the Toilet Bowl to Clear a Massive Clog

Sometimes, the entire toilet bowl may have to be uprooted in order to clear the choke.  As seen from the pictures below, the whole toilet bowl was removed completely from the ground, before the hair, grime and other waste material clogging up the toilet bowl base can be cleared away effectively.

Clogged Toilet Bowl
Clogged Toilet Bowl was Removed to Clear Choke
Toilet Clog Caused by Hair, Grime & Other Waste Material
Toilet Clog is Cleared and Fixed Back

This job is not for the faint-hearted and is best left to the plumbing specialist.

When to Call a Professional to Clear Clogged Toilet

If you have tried multiple DIY methods and the clog persists, or if you experience frequent toilet backups, it may be time to call an experienced plumber. Persistent clogs could indicate a more significant issue with your plumbing system, such as a damaged sewer line.

Foul odors emanating from the WC or sewage backup in other drains could indicate a blockage or malfunction in the sewer line. This poses health risks and requires professional intervention.

Plumbing specialists possess the expertise and proper equipment to swiftly diagnose and resolve complex toilet clogs.

Dealing with a clogged toilet bowl can be frustrating and time-consuming. If you find all this a hassle, just contact our friendly plumbers at Singapore Plumbing Works. We will be happy to handle that messy toilet choke speedily and efficiently for you.


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